Wednesday, April 25, 2007


In 1959, theAnchorage Daily Times announced that Alaska was to be the 49th state. What once was "Sewards Folly" (a land first thought to be too harsh & without financial merit), was finally recognized as a valuable and equal in the United States.
To commemorate Alaska's statehood, a new US quarter will be minted in 2008. Four designs have been created and are a Polar Bear, a Dog Musher, a Grizzly Bear, or a Goldpanner.

Online polls are already in place and requesting people's input, but it will ultimately be Gov. Sarah Palin who will make the final choice. The coin will be minted in the last half of next year just in time for Alaska's 50th Anniversary. To view the different designs and vote, you can visit:

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Inspiration in Waves

Inspiration is something we photographers are always looking for, the engine or power to enable the index finger to press that shutter to create that "award winning" photo. Sometimes I find my inspiration comes in waves, sometimes tidal waves and other times 1 footers. Definetly not a constant stream of tidal wave evacuations going on here...

This past weekend I went on a hike with my husband and family. We hiked up the mountain, breathing in the fresh cold, spring air. I would turn around every once in awhile to take in the beautiful view and get a clear picture of how far we had come. When we summited and began our way onto the ridge we saw another hiker coming up the less steeper route. We made our way toward him, down the mountain slope. *Something to note for non-Alaskan's or just any average person, when hiking in winter or pre-spring always bring rain gear for your way down. *
As I reached the snow patch that extended down the mountain side I put my rain jacket hood up, zipped up my coat, laid down on my back and pushed my way down the mountain, along with my brother and husband, head first, sliding pretty fast for a rain coat. The "ghetto-glissading" I'd call it.
There is a great rugged, adventure, Alaska-ness feel that draws me to live in this great state, it's something I think you can find simliar in a lot of people who live up here. When I think about that, climb a mountain, get muddy mountain biking, or slide down a mountain slope in my rain gear like a kid, that wave of inspiration comes back and my index finger is excercised to push that shutter again (in the photographer's eye) or even just to clear my mind a little. Something good for the soul!
Be Inspired!

- Emily

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Spring Clean up!

No matter how much you love Alaska, I think you will be hard pressed to find anybody that likes Alaska this time of year. Days are getting warmer and the temps consistently stay above freezing during the would think that would be a good thing. However, the daily melting tends to leave Anchorage looking a bit dirty, muddy, and grimy.

All of the road sand used in the winter combined with dirt from cars leave the cityscape a general gray color. Additionally, as the snow melts, items that have flown out of people's cars at high speeds and general garbage that has collected on the streets but long since buried in snow starts appearing.

This is not the time of year to visit Alaska!

The good news is that people get inspired and motivated to do some intensive Spring cleaning. A couple weekends are dedicated to the citywide clean-sweep of Anchorage streets and creeks. Corporate and civic volunteers dedicate their time to picking up garbage from sidewalks, ditches, parking lots, creeks & streams. The result is that almost overnight, Anchorage becomes shiney once again and prepares for the onslaught of Spring growth.

Bring on the Green!

~ gina

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Alaskan Treasure on the Horizon

Well it's springtime in Alaska ... still early in the season for us. The sun is just starting to peak over the magnificent Chugach Mountain range surrounding Anchorage. It's just the right time of year for me to witness this glorious sight ... the sun's rays spilling over the snow capped peaks as I drive down the hill from my house to Old Seward Highway. It's a wonderful way for my day to start. We are in what we call "break up" season now. In town, the huge snow piles are melting during the day and mud seems to be everywhere. It's pretty much pointless to wash the car till May. During this time Alaskans start getting a little crazy, eager for the brown to be replaced by gorgeous lush greenery. And although my winter patience dwindles, invariably I know that the treasure of an Alaskan summer is worth waiting for.

~ Laurie

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Back in the AK!

I had a great and amazing opportunity to travel to Las Vegas and attend the annual WPPI meeting. I learned tons about the photography industry and made some great new friends too! I'll admit it was hard to share a room with 4 other women, but since they were all other photographers as well the energy and conversation was worth all the bathroom sharing, and towel hunting!!! Here's a photo that Anne Ruthmann took of all the girls I stayed with there! From left, Anne Ruthmann, me, Abby Rose, and Kristen Taylor. Shout out to room 6033! I'll miss you guys! Can't wait to see the shots from Vegas.. mine are coming soon.. stay tuned!
